Customized Retreats
The way we plan for retreats is to find out more about the outcomes you are looking for. If you could wave a magic wand, after theprogram was over, what would you want to participants to know, feel, understand, do? Using that information, we create a customized flow of events tailored to fit your specific needs. Then we spell out in detail the recommendations, staying away from “canned” programs so we can best directly target your needs. The flow is created by drawing from one or more of these tracks:
- Teambuilding
- Leadership
- Communication/Conflict management
- Facilitation/Presentation skills
- Social Justice/Diversity
- A combination of all five
Experientially based
The cornerstone of all our retreats is that it’s presented in an experiential way. We believe in the axiom:
I hear, I forget
I see, I remember
I do, I understand
Why do we do this…
For example, we could talk to you all day about leadership theories but until you actually experience being a leader, being a follower, you won’t get it on the gut level. All the INFORMATION you’ll ever need about how to be an effective leader is in books and the internet. So why doesn’t every student learn about it that way? They don’t have the time or the willingness…and we believe it’s really hard to learn it that way. Experiential learning is fun and effective.
And if we talked for 8 hours straight, everyone would fall asleep.
I tent to not learn very well when I’m asleep 🙂
You are busy people
We know that you are most likely wearing more than one hat- doing the duties of three people. We believe you are some of the busiest people in the country. That’s why we want to make working with us as effortless as possible. Some clients just say, “Here are the outcomes we want…just show up and make it happen.” Other clients want to have a very clear picture of what the program will be like. So we can take the time to go through every detail of every minute of the program. Whatever makes you most comfortable.